ماكينة القطع بالليزر للوحات والأنابيب المدمجة للألياف الليزرية

The sheet and tube laser cutting machine is designed to cut a variety of common metal materials, including stainless steel, aluminum alloy, copper, titanium alloy, carbon steel, and various alloy steels. When working with sheet metal, the machine can handle sheet metal. For tube cutting, it can process tubes of various diameters and wall thicknesses, with common diameters ranging from 20 mm to 200 mm. The integrated functionality and high efficiency of this sheet and tube laser cutting machine make it an essential tool in today’s metal processing industry.

  • 20 Sets / Month Waiting for Sale In Stock
  • ضمان محدود لمدة عامين على الجهاز بالكامل
  • عبر الإنترنت (PayPal) وغير متصل بالإنترنت (T/T، وبطاقات الخصم والائتمان)
  • دعم فني مجاني مدى الحياة للمستخدمين النهائيين والوكلاء مجاناً

A sheet and tube laser cutting machine is versatile, capable of cutting not only metal sheets but also pipes. This fiber laser cutting system integrates both sheet and pipe processing functions, catering to a variety of customer needs such as bevel cutting, drilling, and slotting. This combination significantly saves on costs and space while enhancing production efficiency.

Whether working with metal or non-metal materials, sheet and tube laser cutting machines can accurately cut various shapes and sizes of tubes and sheets with high precision. They produce high-quality edges that typically require no additional cleaning, processing, or finishing, thus minimizing the need for secondary operations.

These CNC fiber laser cutting machines can easily adjust laser settings to accommodate different material types and thicknesses, ranging from 1 to 200 mm. They are suitable for a broad array of metal materials, including stainless steel, carbon steel, copper, aluminum, brass, gold, silver, iron, titanium, galvanized sheets, and various alloys.


  • Laser Medium – Solid state CW 1070nm Fiber Laser
  • Laser Power –  1500W -10000W Fiber Source Options
  • Power –  380V 3 Phase
  • Positioning accuracy – ≤±0.03mm
  • Repeatability accuracy – ≤±0.02mm


  • Driving System – Closed Loop Servo
  • Cooling Mode – Refrigerated Water

Fiber laser cutters for sheets and tubes offer two functions in one machine, providing space efficiency and cost savings while being flexible and versatile. Request a quote now!

**لماذا تختار بوغونغ ليزر**

تشتهر شركة BOGONG بجودة معدات الليزر وخدمة ما بعد البيع، فآلاتنا متعددة الاستخدامات وسهلة الاستخدام، وهي مصممة مع وضع جميع مستويات المهارة في الاعتبار. وقبل كل شيء، نحن نعطي الأولوية لرضا العملاء. سواءً كنت خبيرًا متمرسًا أو مبتدئًا، فإن BOGONG LASER هنا لدعمك في كل خطوة على الطريق. ثق بنا وبخدماتنا، حيث يجتمع التميز والابتكار معاً من أجل نجاحك.

معلومات إضافية

قوة الليزر

50 واط 60 واط


تبريد الهواء

