Laserový čisticí stroj na vozíku

What is Trolley Laser Cleaning Machine?

Trolley laser cleaning machine also named laggage type laser cleaning machine, it can move easily with this design.

  • 100 Sets / Month Waiting for Sale In Stock
  • 2 roky omezené záruky na celý stroj
  • 3-5 dní příprava laserového stroje, 3-7 dní doprava.
  • Online (PayPal) a offline (T/T, debetní a kreditní karty)

What can this machine do?

– Removing natural oxide films from aluminum alloys before welding.
– Cleaning black ash oxide after welding battery trays.
– Preparing train bogie welds for flaw detection.
– Cleaning automotive sheet metal parts prior to refurbishment.
– Accessing hard-to-reach areas that traditional wire brushes cannot clean.

This versatility makes the product an essential tool for maintaining structural integrity and ensuring quality in diverse industries.

laggage type laser cleaner

Advantages of Trolley type Laser Cleaning Machine?

Trolley type laser cleaning machine also belong to Pulse laser cleaning technology, which use 100w/200w/300w pulse laser source inside. this kind of laggage type laser cleaning machine with strong nonmetal case, light weight, and easy move. This method is highly efficient and gentle, ensuring that it doesn’t damage the surfaces of the materials being cleaned, making it perfect for a range of applications.

Main feature as below:

  • Laser Type: MOPA Laser
    Laser Power: 100W/200W/300W
    Output Range (If Adjustable): 0-100%
    Pulse Formation: MOPA (Quality Factor)
    Laser Generator: JPT
    Cooling Type: Air Cooling
    After Sale: 2 Years

Trolley Case Laser Cleaning Machine Show

9 Cleaning Modes of  this machine

The operation interface of the machine offers 9 cleaning modes:

  1. Straight Line Mode
  2. Rectangular Mode 1
  3. Rectangular Mode 2
  4. Circular Mode
  5. Sinusoidal Mode
  6. Spiral Mode
  7. Free Mode
  8. Ring Mode
  9. Rotation Mode

You can change these modes by “Scanning Mode” option in the interface.

Some cleaning modes are gentler and work well on materials that require a delicate touch, our machine can help you minimize or completely eliminate any traces after cleaning. On the other hand, there are more powerful modes that are perfect for tackling stubborn dirt or coatings.

Choosing the right cleaning mode is key to ensuring that your surfaces look great and maintain their quality. This is especially important in industries like automotive manufacturing, aerospace, and electronics. BOGONG provide you parameter for remove painting, rust, oil, etc. these are great for new beginner.

cleaning 500W LASER

There have 16 Supported Languages for your selection.

The pulse laser cleaning machine currently supports multiple languages, including English, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, German, Korean, French, Polish, and 16 others.

You can easily switch between these languages on the machine’s interface. If you need additional languages, we also offer customized language services to meet your needs.

500W pulse laser system

Different bewteen metal case laser cleaner and trolley case laser cleaning machine

laser cleaner

Payment Terms

1. Vklad a zůstatek: Zůstatek je splatný před odesláním zásilky: 30% T/T záloha je vyžadována předem.

2. Alibaba Trade Assurance: Platby lze zpracovávat prostřednictvím Alibaba Trade Assurance.

FAQs for the trolley case laser cleaning machine?

What Is the Packaging for the laser  machine?
Naše stroje jsou baleny ve třívrstvém uspořádání. Vnější vrstvu tvoří dřevěná bedna, prostřední vrstva je vybavena pěnovou výplní, která chrání před otřesy, a vnitřní vrstva obsahuje silný plastový sáček pro ochranu před vodou.

Dojde během přepravy k poškození zásilky?
Naše obaly pečlivě navrhujeme tak, aby řešily všechny možné faktory poškození, a naši přepravci mají zkušenosti s bezpečnou přepravou. Úspěšně jsme exportovali do 180 zemí, takže si můžete být jisti, že vaše zásilka dorazí ve výborném stavu.

Most of customers like choose transport by UPS/DHL express, it can arrive at destination about 5-7 days, contact with BOGONG to get more detail about 1000W pulse laser cleaning machine.

Další informace

Výkon laseru

50W 60W


Chlazení vzduchem
