What Is a Laser Metal Engraving Machine for Silver, Gold, and Copper Jewelry?
A laser metal jewelry engraving and cutting machine is a CNC Laser system, which use a fiber laser source to engrave and cut various types of jewelry, including rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, cufflinks, brooches, and other personal ornaments. It can working on many materials such as stainless steel, alloy steel, silver, copper, brass, titanium, anodized aluminum, aluminum, chrome, silicon wafers, and gold.
The best laser engraving machines with laser power 50-100W, enabling deep engraving and precise cutting of signs, patterns, logos, letters, numbers, and images on metal surfaces. This versatile laser metal engraver is ideal for creating custom jewelry, metal crafts, metal art, metal components, metal gifts, electronic parts, hardware, instruments, food and beverage engravings, keyboard designs, cell phone cases, and packaging.

Features of the Fiber Laser Metal Engraver Cutter for Silver, Gold, and Copper Jewelry
1. High-Quality Laser Beam: With superior photoelectric conversion, this engraver delivers exceptional engraving quality and precision.
2. Low Maintenance: Designed for convenient and safe, the life of laser source can up to 100,000 hours.
3. Durable Marks: Creates permanent, high-quality markings that are both reliable and long-lasting.
4. Consistent Precision: Capable of high repeatability and rapid engraving speeds for efficient production.
5. User-Friendly: This laser metal engraving machine is easy to operate, even for those without prior experience.
6. Non-Contact Marking: The non-contact engraving process prevents material stress, ensuring the integrity of your items.
7. Versatile Software: The machine includes multi-functional engraving software compatible with the WINDOWS platform and features an English interface. It works seamlessly with various applications including CorelDRAW, AutoCAD, and Photoshop, and supports file formats such as PCX, DXF, PLT, BMP, SHX, and TTF fonts.
Applications of the Fiber Laser Metal Engraver Cutter for Silver, Gold, and Copper Jewelry
Applicable Industries:
The fiber laser metal engraving machine can make Metal Arts, Metal Crafts, Metal Gifts, Metal Credit Cards, Metal Parts, Electronic Components, Instruments and Meters, Hardware, Food and Beverage, Jewelry, Keyboards, Packaging, and Cell Phone Cases.
Applicable Materials:
This fiber laser metal engraver is primarily designed for use with metal and alloy materials, such as Aluminum, Steel, Copper, Silver, Gold, Chrome, Stainless Steel, Anodized Aluminum, and Silicon Wafer.
What Is Fiber Laser Source?
Fiber laser Source is the most important part inside of laser device, it’s the component that laser come out from, A fiber laser source is a type of laser that uses a fiber-optic cable as the gain medium. In this technology, the fiber is doped with rare earth elements, such as ytterbium, erbium, or neodymium, which enhance the fiber’s ability to generate laser light.
How Do I Install and Operate the Fiber Laser Engraver?
we will provide detailed training videos and a user manual along with the machine. About 95% of our customers are able to learn how to operate it independently.
What Should I Do If the Fiber Laser Engraving Machine Malfunctions?
If you encounter any issues, please contact us immediately and avoid attempting any repairs yourself. We will respond to help resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
How to Choose the Right Jewelry Laser Engraving Cutting Machine
When selecting a machine for your engraving cutting gold silver brass or other metal, it’s important to consider which laser power you need? which laser source and laser head? also you need thinking the material you’ll be working with, and the size of the mark.
Let’s break down each factor and understand its importance..
Higher power means the laser source more intense energy, which can lead to cutting and deep engravings. there have 50W 60W 80W 100W 200W 300W, for jewelry business, 50W will be the minimium power if budget is limited, if you want an powerful machine, choose 60W or 100W laser. you can see What you can do with a 50W laser machine from below video link, 60W 100W can do all laser work which 50W do, you can thinking 60W 100W more strong laser beam.
Cutting Time
Cutting and Deep engraving takes more time. The laser needs to direct energy at the target for longer to vaporize deeper into the material. Think of it like sawing through a piece of wood; the longer you cut, the deeper you can go.
Co pro vás můžeme udělat?
- Bezplatné testovací vzorky -Můžeme provést bezplatné testy účinku značení podle materiálu vašeho výrobku.
- Video v přímém přenosu -Můžete se spojit s našimi prodejními poradci a sledovat výrobní proces a obsluhu stroje v online videu.
- Na míru /OEM-Stroje na míru na vyžádání,Kontakt
Which Parts i need choose for Jewelry Laser Engraving Cutting Machine
- Rotační zařízení: existuje několik rotačních zařízení s různým stylem a průměrem svorky, například 50D 65D 80D.
- Gold Silver Holder: which for clamp your gold silver metal sheet for cutting, because there have lot of heat when cutting work, metal shee easy deformation.

Payment Terms for the Fiber Laser Metal Engraver Cutter
1. Vklad a zůstatek: Zůstatek je splatný před odesláním zásilky: 30% T/T záloha je vyžadována předem.
2. Alibaba Trade Assurance: Platby lze zpracovávat prostřednictvím Alibaba Trade Assurance.
FAQs for the Fiber Laser Metal Engraver Cutter
What Is the Packaging for the Fiber Laser Marking Machine?
Naše stroje jsou baleny ve třívrstvém uspořádání. Vnější vrstvu tvoří dřevěná bedna, prostřední vrstva je vybavena pěnovou výplní, která chrání před otřesy, a vnitřní vrstva obsahuje silný plastový sáček pro ochranu před vodou.
Dojde během přepravy k poškození zásilky?
Naše obaly pečlivě navrhujeme tak, aby řešily všechny možné faktory poškození, a naši přepravci mají zkušenosti s bezpečnou přepravou. Úspěšně jsme exportovali do 180 zemí, takže si můžete být jisti, že vaše zásilka dorazí ve výborném stavu.
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