The YAG jewelry laser welding machine is a specialized tool for the jewelry industry, utilizing laser technology for precise metal welding. This compact and accurate device is designed for various applications, including spot welding, piercing, repairing, re-plating, and resizing jewelry made of gold, silver, titanium, and platinum, as well as for eyeglass frames, watches, molds, dental welding, and bridging gaps in small accessories.

- Large front door operator comfort.
- Smart spot technology for sustained weld quality and consistency.
- CCD camera (optional)

1. Delivers high welding quality with clean gaps and eliminates the need for secondary processing, significantly enhancing the pass rate of finished products.
2. Features high productivity with fast welding speeds and quiet operation, greatly improving efficiency and reducing welding time.
3. Boasts a compact and elegant design that is user-friendly and ergonomic, allowing for comfortable long-term use without fatigue.
4. Equipped with a 7-inch LED display available in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Russian, and Spanish, along with a blowing protection device.
5. A CCD monitoring system can be integrated with a 10X microscope for enhanced precision.
6. Compact structure design with a built-in water tank
7. Offers personalized customization options to meet specific needs.

Eșantioane de sudură cu laser

Pachet de sudor laser

**De ce să alegeți BOGONG LASER**
BOGONG renumit pentru calitatea sa de echipamente laser și servicii pentru servicii post-vânzare, Mașinile noastre sunt versatile și ușor de utilizat, concepute cu toate nivelurile de calificare în minte. Mai presus de toate, prioritizăm satisfacția clientului. Fie că sunteți un expert experimentat sau un începător, BOGONG LASER este aici pentru a vă sprijini la fiecare pas al drumului. Aveți încredere în noi și în serviciile noastre, unde excelența și inovația se unesc pentru succesul dumneavoastră.