Лазерна машина для очищення CW

CW Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine

If you want remove rust on large field, an CW laser cleaning machine will help a lot. 1500W 2000W 3000W Laser Cleaning Machine

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  • Довічна безкоштовна технічна підтримка для кінцевих користувачів та дилерів

The CW fiber laser cleaning machine makes it easy to remove organic pollutants and inorganic materials like metal corrosion, metal particles, and dust from a variety of surfaces, including metal, plastic, ceramics, glass, stone, and concrete.

It’s perfect for cleaning large areas, such as big steel structures or pipes.

This advanced laser cleaner operates in a non-contact mode and doesn’t require any chemical agents, ensuring both effective and environmentally friendly cleaning.

Whether it’s removing rust from bridges or cleaning large metal facilities like stadiums and factories, Bogong 2000W/3000W laser cleaning machine is perfect for a variety of industrial cleaning tasks. With the latest generation of industrial cleaning technology, you’ll benefit from enhanced efficiency and safety.

BOGONG CW Fiber Laser Rust Removal and Cleaning Machine is designed for durability, it delivers exceptional surface cleaning that can elevate your production processes. invest in the 2000W/3000W CW Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine and see how laser cleaning technology can transform your operations. Boost your productivity, maintain safety, and meet environmental standards with this vital tool for any forward-thinking business.

This technology utilizes a high-power laser beam. When the beam hits a surface, the light and heat are absorbed, causing a reaction. Once it reaches a certain energy level, it breaks the molecular bonds in the surface, effectively vaporizing the material.

Typically, the dirt or contaminants on the surface have a lower energy threshold for this reaction than the underlying material. This means the dirt will vaporize first, resulting in minimal damage to the surface underneath.


– Non-contact cleaning, which minimizes damage to the base substrate.
– Precision cleaning: Targets specific areas using customized beam settings.
– Selective cleaning: Removes different layers of dirt individually based on their ablation thresholds.
– High cleaning efficiency.
– Compact and stable design, requiring minimal maintenance.
– User-friendly operation, or can be integrated with a robotic arm for automated cleaning.
– No chemicals, dry ice, or other cleaning materials needed. Just a few consumables make it safe and environmentally friendly.

Зразки лазерного зварювання

500W pusle laser cleaning machine

Why are more manufacturers turning to laser cleaning for material preparation?

Laser cleaning presents several advantages over traditional methods. For one, it eliminates the need for solvents and abrasive materials, which can complicate disposal. Unlike other processes that may lack precision and often require manual intervention, laser cleaning allows for controlled application to specific areas of a part. This process can be easily automated to enhance productivity and ensures the repeatability that many quality standards now demand. As a result, manufacturers are finding laser cleaning to be a more efficient and reliable option for material preparation.

Laser Cleaning Machine System

Lasers can provide high-speed cleaning and surface preparation in virtually all industries. The low-maintenance, easily automated process can be used to remove oil and grease, strip paint or coatings, or modify surface texture, for example adding roughness to increase adhesion.

No abrasive materials are used, with no problems of contaminant separation and disposal

No solvents are used – chemical-free and environmentally friendly process

Spatially selective –  cleaning only the area required, saving time and costs by ignoring regions that don’t matter

Комплектація лазерного зварювальника

**Чому варто вибрати БОГОНГ ЛАЗЕР

Компанія BOGONG відома своєю якістю лазерного обладнання та післяпродажного обслуговування, наші машини універсальні та зручні у використанні, розроблені з урахуванням усіх рівнів кваліфікації. Перш за все, ми ставимо на перше місце задоволеність клієнтів. Незалежно від того, чи є ви досвідченим експертом або новачком, BOGONG LASER готовий підтримати вас на кожному кроці. Довіртеся нам і нашому сервісу, де досконалість та інновації об'єднуються для вашого успіху.

Додаткова інформація

Потужність лазера

1500Вт 2000Вт 3000Вт


Водяне охолодження
